Friday, December 12, 2014

TB: Character: Daniel Locke

No...Daniel writes tripe...Though he might also do actual scholarly work...Doesn't bother with a pseudonym like so many of the "Scholars" of the period who slummed it writing fiction.

 Just to be a dick, he might have been the one to out Westcott as a member of Golden Dawn, forcing him to either resign as a London Coroner, OR from the Order.

(he resigned from the Order...Funny how noble our vows and ideas hold up to a bank note, is it not?)

 Perhaps a bit of medical training, but not a full on Doctor..At least not of medicine.

 Now, he might have the equivalent of a Ph.D, in a couple of topics, and maybe even the medical knowledge of at LEAST a Nurse, but nothing finalized.

As in, he went to medical school for a while, but never finished, worked on an advanced degree here...and one different subjects...Studied with so-and-so for a year in Turkey....On to Vienna for this other thing.

 Comes from money, but not the "First Son," so none of the responsibility, but HATES the idle rich..

 So, rather than bounding about the continent from one party to another, he bounds about the continent in search of more knowledge.

Writes, is often read, but not openly respected by the Academy.

 He's not one of them...Outsider, trouble maker, has blasphemous ideas, and even more outlandish manners.

(but secretly, lots of scholars think his work is solid and well thought out.)

Victorian hunting whip, (nicer and longer than that one,) silver handle that conceals a long, thin stiletto blade.

 He is an occultist...Just doesn't play well with others.

 Mostly elementals...Demons and angels too...shit you encounter dealing with Solomonic and Enochian, (which was just REALLY coming to light at this time,) stuff.

 Not as comfortable in dealing with shifters or Fae, but he knows enough to either A. Get himself out of trouble or B. Protect himself with that fails.

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