Friday, December 12, 2014

The House of Blackwell

Blackwell magi are known for their use of necromancy, black arts and nearly any other form of power to maintain their control over their interests.


The House of Blackwell is one of the oldest and well-respected (feared) houses in the British Empire. Situated within the inner circle of the comings and goings of the crown, they have served the royals since the early 1600s and some say earlier.

Their knowledge and use of dark rituals and magic are rumored to have been the source of the great storm that wiped out the Spanish armada that Queen Elizabeth faced. Because of their success they have been given a wide latitude within the empire to 'ensure its protection and success'.

Blackwells are the dirty secret of the British Crown. They have their fingers in so many things its difficult to know where the crown begins and they end. They are also indiscriminate when it comes to where they get their power. Though many of their ranks assume a fairly 'spooky' and occult facade, not all of them use magic to get what they want out of life. Some use political power, others economic. Those who dabble in the dark arts whisper the name Blackwell as a warning for just how corrupt one can get.

Members Include:

Name Position
Arkkon Blackwell Leader of the Household
Artemis Blackwell Daughter to August
Borgia Blackwell  Daughter to Arkkon
Justin Blackwell  Son to Arkkon
August Blackwell Brother to Arkkon
Russell Blackwell Son to August

See also: House of Blackwell

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