Friday, December 12, 2014

JOTB:The Curse of the Jade Dragon

-Revised 12/12/14

The Jade Dragon is an introductory story about the search for an item among many competing factions; each one wants it for their own purposes.

Thomas Book's parents were stationed / living in Hong Kong in the mid 1800's. They were heavily involved in the diplomatic mission to China but also had commercial and economic interests in Asian Trade. Book's family was of the status of British Society who were 'known' but on a minor level. Thus their position was delicately balanced upon public opinion.

Book was sent back to London to live with relatives a few years after he entered puberty. His parents wanted him to attend a proper English school and, though not publicly, wanted to keep him out of the public eye. Thomas' ability to "know" things about people and objects was difficult for him to control and he tended to blurt out what he knew rather than keep it to himself.

When he was sent back to London he was sent in the company of Aunt Lilly and Uncle Chu, servants of the family who had basically raised Thomas.

As they are leaving Hong Kong (his parents do not see him off), there is a scuffle on the docks and a man is killed right in front of Thomas. Thomas is thirteen and is not exactly trying to get in the way but the man is close enough that the two touch as the man is dying.


This is Thomas' first 'read' of a man's greatest secret (how he dies). He learns of a name; the one that the dying man was most afraid of. When he asks his 'aunt' and 'uncle' if they know anyone named "Lord Wu" both look fearful and change the subject.

Characters Introduced:

-Hong Kong
Aunt Lilly
Uncle Chu
Lord Wu

Robert Amos

Items Introduced:

-Jade Dragon

See also:
-Jade Dragon Pages

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