Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Plot: Gardens of Stone

The local cemetery in the city has had some statues go missing. Not just stolen or broken as sometimes happens when kids get bored and want to blow off steam - these states are moved.

One of the statues was found in town in front of someone's door - as though poised to knock. Another was found in someone's backyard as though it was looking up at a window. Still even more odd, people have noticed that new statues have begun appearing in the cemetery. The grounds keeper has not been able to spot how the thieves have made off with them or who has donated their replacements but he's awful spooked by it.

One of the 'new' statues that have been found in the cemetery looks strikingly like someone who was reported missing a few nights ago. He was on his way home - walking since his car had a flat tire and never made it back. Someone reported that the statue looks -uncannily- like the missing man, even down to the set of his eyes. It would seem as though someone were playing a very cruel joke.

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