Monday, August 20, 2007

Aradian Rune: The Muse

The Muse

The figure of the Muse is a character often found in the tales of the ancient and old worlds. It is this person who awakens the Hero to understand their true potential and helps them find a place within the world.

Every culture has an interpretation of this figure whether it be an Angel inspiring someone to build a great cathedral or a water nymph to inspire a poet to write the dramatic histories of ancient Greece.

The Muse closely resembles the character of Dagaz in the Futhark runes of the Norse.


Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation.

Additionally, the Rune entitled "The Muse" is associated with the persona of the Rider Tarot: "The Star".

This card suggests clarity of vision, spiritual insight. And, most importantly, that unexpected help will be coming, with water to quench the Querent's thirst, with a guiding light to the future.

In the Winter Rose Tarot (Copyright to Emeleth MacEwen), the Muse is represented as the "Priestess of Air". As the Priestess of Air, she is the force of inspiration, seeing past the day to day obfuscations in life.

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