Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vampire Eyes

The eyes of a vampire are unique, rather than being a single point of black at the center like a human or the slits of a cat, there are actually three 'slits'. These slits allow them to see more in lower levels of light.

Vampires in the world of Thomas Book fall into two categories: ruthless killing machines and cunning predators. Their nature all depends on how they were converted. If a newly born vampire is forced to seek his own first kill after conversion, they will tend to rely upon their instincts and become little more than a beast. If a vampire is able to 'ease in' to their first kill (captured prey) then they tend to retain some of their humanity.

The difference in transformation is thought to be due to the early reliance upon the instinctual drive to hunt and feed. The longer the person has to rely upon those urges, the less of their humanity is retained.

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