Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Vamp Thoughts

I'll try and organize these notes but it was a stream of consciousness with Heath.

1. There are 13 "Houses" of Vampires which came together as a Conclave in the 1600's to fight the Lycans, which were one of the original 13 houses.

2. There are only 9 Houses left currently.

3. Houses:
  1. Lycan
  2. (Dead)
  3. Wraith
  4. Shadow (Sneaky-Folks)
  5. Tank (Stone-skin)

4. Each house, over the centuries, pushed the envelop of human potential using their own forms of blood magic. The House of Lycan pushed their bodies to be strong and more animal like. In the end, the power of their blood shifted and they were able to walk in the day but by the light of the moon they lost their control and became complete beats.

5. The 13 Houses were originally created by powerful and ancient beings who could warp reality. These beings held sway over their cultures - sometimes posing as gods in places such as Egypt, China and in South America.

6. An ancient built the vampires to destroy the others of his kind.

7. The shadow energy that resides within all vampires (who must consume blood as a medium by which life energy from humans is transferred into them) is actually the many parts of one of the Ancients - who created the vampire race.

8. One theory of who the Ancient was suggests it was Cain - the God Slayer. Though Cain is a Christian figure, it is only one of the many names that being had during his centuries on Earth.

9. Holy ground (within a church, temple or other building) will make the "Black Blood of Cain" boil.

10. The buildings (temples, churches, etc.) are machines that focus the holy energy to 'burn' Cain out of the person.

11. As the vampires were hunting down the living gods throughout time, one god (Yaweh) sent its energy to earth to be born as the son of a Jewish Carpenter. Once he died and was resurected, there would be no living form for the vampires to hunt down and kill.

12. Yaweh (in the form of Christianity, Judaism or Islam) was one of the last gods to be hunted by the kindred and so survived to teach its followers how to not only defend their houses of worship from the Children of Cain, but also to hunt them in return.

13. Originally Yaweh had only two forms and was able to maintain control of its energies since only the sons of Isaac and Abraham worshipped him. The Children of Cain, by influencing the followers of the prophet, Jeashua, created a third face for Yaweh and therefore dividing the overall power into thirds.

14. Yaweh, in his Christian form, sent Cortez and explorers to the New World to destroy the many Children of Cain who worshipped the blood gods of the Maya.

15. The Children of Cain manipulated the many followers of Yaweh to war upon each other (crusades, inquistions, etc.) to lessen his powers and to destroy his sacred places.

16. The Vampires are worried about the Neopagan movement because it brings back a belief and interest in hedge magic - a viable threat to their security. Though most Neopagans wouldn't know real magic if it bit them (heh), some have found records from deep within the Christian vaults and learned to use the simple magics effectively against the Children of Cain. This could suggest that Yaweh, sensing a waining in the faith of his members, created the Neopagans as a new threat to his own enemies.

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